Fireworks safety

Fireworks are a fantastic way to celebrate special occasions and create dazzling displays. However, they can also be dangerous if not handled with care. This guide provides essential safety tips and guidance to ensure you can enjoy fireworks responsibly while prioritising the safety of yourself, others, and the surrounding environment. 

Purchase from Licensed Retailers: 

  • Only buy fireworks from reputable and licensed retailers. 
  • Ensure the fireworks comply with British Standards (BS 7114, EN15947, or CE marking) for safety and quality assurance. 
  • Never attempt to make your own fireworks or modify them in any way. 

Planning and Preparations

  • Select a designated, open, and clear outdoor area for the fireworks display. 
  • Check local regulations and restrictions regarding fireworks usage, including any specific time limits or noise restrictions. 
  • Inform your neighbours in advance about your plans for a fireworks display to minimise potential disturbances. 
  • Consider weather conditions and wind direction when choosing the launch site. 

Safety Zones and Distance: 

  • Establish a safety zone where only authorised personnel can handle and light fireworks. 
  • Keep spectators, including children and pets, at a safe distance from the fireworks display area. 
  • Follow the recommended safety distance stated on the firework packaging to prevent injuries. 

Safety Equipment and Storage: 

  • Have a bucket of water, a hose, or a fire extinguisher handy in case of emergencies. 
  • Maintain a safe distance from the fireworks, using a long-handled lighter or taper when igniting them. 
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from sources of heat or ignition. 

Ignition and Handling: 

  • Read the instructions and warnings on each firework carefully before lighting. 
  • Once lit, move away promptly to a safe distance. 
  • Never lean over fireworks that have been lit or attempt to relight malfunctioning fireworks. 
  • If a firework fails to ignite, wait for at least 30 minutes before approaching it. Then, douse it with water before disposing of it safely. 

Bonfire Safety: 

  • If incorporating a bonfire with your fireworks display, ensure it is built away from structures, trees, and flammable materials. 
  • Only use dry wood and avoid using accelerants like gasoline or flammable liquids. 
  • Never throw fireworks into a bonfire, as this can lead to unpredictable and dangerous explosions. 

After the Display: 

  • Assign responsible individuals to inspect the fireworks display area after the event to ensure there are no leftover fireworks or smouldering debris. 
  • Collect and dispose of used fireworks in a bucket of water or a metal container to prevent accidental fires. 
  • Keep pets indoors during and after the display, as loud noises can distress them. 

Be prepared in case of emergency: 

  • In case of an emergency, call the emergency services (dial 999) while ensuring they have accurate location details. 
  • Have a basic first aid kit readily available to handle minor injuries. 

By following these important safety tips and guidance, you can enjoy fireworks displays safely and responsibly. Remember, fireworks should only be handled by responsible individuals who are aware of the potential risks. Prioritise safety, follow regulations, and respect the well-being of others and the environment.

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