The school has a policy on meeting the sensory, physical and medical needs of children within school that reflects the statutory requirements of the DfE document ‘ Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions’ (2015). The policies are shared with all young people, staff, parents and governors.
The senior leadership team should ensure that:
- All staff in school are aware of their individual responsibility with respect to supporting hearing impairment in school
- Associated school policies such as Equality, SEND and Behaviour are implemented and regularly reviewed. These policies should reflect the needs of young people with hearing impairment .
- The school has an Accessibility Plan which is regularly reviewed and includes a Building Audit
- Risk assessments are completed when required, for example for access to the building, school trips etc
- Appropriate supervision, training and insurance arrangements are in place to enable staff to meet the young person’s sensory needs.
- There is adequate time available for staff to fulfill their SEND duties as required, for example, attending meetings, planning and any Continuing Professional Development.
- Young people know who to approach in school to seek help. There are regular opportunities for this to take place
- Parents know who to approach in school if they have concerns or information regarding their child’s sensory needs
School staff are aware of the key content in the relevant documents, including:
- Warwickshire County Council's Access Strategy
- Warwickshire County Council Access to Education for Children & Young People with Health Needs
- The SEND Code of Practice (2014)
- Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (2015)
- Equality Act (2010)
- Health and Safety: responsibilities and duties for schools (2018)
- National Sensory Impaired Partnership Eligibility Framework
- NICE guidelines
- National Deaf Children Society: Supporting the Achievement of Deaf Children in Primary/ Secondary Schools