Shopping may seem like a daunting experience, but planning your trip may help. Before you go you might want to:
- decide on the period of time you want to shop for e.g. one week
- look at what items you already have in and create a list of items you need to buy to make the meals
- create a budget
- choose where you want to go (if you are going to a shop) and work out how to get there, you may want to think about how long the journey will take and how much it will cost
- consider online shopping arranging a delivery slot for when you know you will be home.
Once you have chosen the supermarket you are going to, you can check their website for information about accessibility. This may include:
- access guides
- changing places
- large text on self-service checkouts
- facilities for the hard of hearing
- quiet hours
- booking help in advance
- trolley options.