Written Statement of Action and progress
In July 2021, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out a joint inspection of the local area of Warwickshire to judge the effectiveness of the area in implementing the disability and special educational needs reforms.
They found that five areas of Warwickshire’s SEND provision needed improvements. One of these areas was the ‘quality of the online offer’.
To address the findings identified by Ofsted, a Written Statement of Action (PDF, 1.4 MB) was co-produced with health, education and social care professionals and Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice.
In the Written Statement of Action, we committed to improve the Local Offer by:
- Redesigning and updating the Local Offer
- Launching and promoting the online Local Offer
- Developing and maintaining the Local Offer webpages
Progress against the statement of action
Since the Ofsted Report, we have developed the Local Offer significantly. The key aim was to develop and relaunch the Local Offer by working with parents/carers, young people, and professionals.
- In October 2021, we launched the new Local Offer webpages. These were developed with parents/carers, young people, and professionals. This led to an initial 50% increase in visitors to the site.
- Changes made to the landing page, based on feedback from WPCV and SENDIAS, resulted in a reduction in the number of visitors leaving the landing page without progressing further.
- Flyers were distributed to GPs, schools, Children and Family centres and other community venues.
The priority for the Local Offer for 2022/23 was to develop it by engaging with stakeholders and to continue to promote it.