Local Offer development 2022/23
This year we have continued to improve the Local Offer after its relaunch last year:
- In February 2022, we launched a Warwickshire SEND Local Offer Facebook page following feedback from parents and carers. The page has gained 1,300 followers to date. It has been well received by families and regularly promotes a range of aspects of the Local Offer.
- We have continued to consult with stakeholders, in August 2022 we held a focus group with young people and parents/carers to inform the next phase of development.
- As a result of this consultation, we added a ‘Transitions’ page under education. The EHCP section was also updated with more information as a result of consultation with stakeholders.
- The promotion of the Local Offer has continued, with members of the Family Information Service also promoting the Local Offer and providing flyers in their outreach work. The continued promotion of the Local Offer led to 95% of schools, Children and Family Centres and GPs displaying flyers. Qualitative feedback from families says that the information provided has been helpful.
- Contact points have been established in each service to pass on information about any changes to ensure that the Local Offer is kept up to date.
- A Local Offer Information Manager has been hired to keep the site up to date and to continue improving the webpages.
The work on the Local Offer has been driven by collaboration, feedback and engagement.