Bridge details and location

Bretford Bridge

Bretford Bridge is located over River Avon and Carries A428 Coventry Road which is a key route between Coventry, Bretford and Rugby. Bretford Bridge was originally built in C13 and is crossing over the River Avon. The structure was extensively repaired in 1653 and was largely rebuilt in C18. Bretford Bridge is constructed from Sandstone ashlar with a small amount of brick patching. The grade ll listed structure consists of string course, one semi-circular and four pointed arches, cutwaters, parapets curve outwards to end in square piers. The vehicle crossing over the bridge is controlling by two-way traffic signal lights.  

The sandstones in parapets and bridge are severely weathered and need to be repaired to avoid the risk of structural damage or the need for a weight restriction.

Ordnance Survey map showing location of Bretford Bridge

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