Operational decisions and business rules
There are a number of operational business rules which we follow.
Expiry date for passes
- Legislation allows us to issue passes for a maximum of five years.
- The expiry date on your bus pass will depend on the type of pass and the evidence provided.
- Expiry dates are set according to our Expiry Date summary document (PDF, 107 KB)
- Whenever a pass is renewed or replaced the expiry date will be re-set as above.
Older Person's Pass
- Can only be issued once someone reaches the qualifying age (currently state retirement age).
- Expiry date will be set to five years from the date of issue, unless evidence shows they are only in Warwickshire on a shorter term basis.
- Applications are accepted from two weeks before someone reaches the qualifying age.
Disabled Person's Pass
- Can only be issued to people who have a qualifying disability as set out in the legislation and associated guidance.
- In Warwickshire, will only be issued to people below the qualifying age. Once someone has reached state retirement age then they will be entitled to an Older Person’s Pass.
- Evidence of disability under category d or category g must be dated within the last year.
- Copies of disability evidence will be retained for as long as the person holds a valid bus pass and for up to five years afterwards.
- Will be issued if they have a qualifying disability until someone reaches the qualifying age at which point their next pass will be issued as an Older Person’s Pass.
- Will be issued for a maximum of five years – see table of expiry dates below.
- When a passholder who is under 18 renews their pass then a new photograph will be required.
- Short term passes will require evidence of a qualifying disability before they can be renewed.
- Long term passes may be renewed without asking for evidence every time they are renewed, but we may ask for evidence again some time in future.
All passes
- Evidence of eligibility will be inspected at the time of application and details stored for as long as the person holds a valid bus pass and for up to five years afterwards.
- When someone changes name and/or address it will be necessary for them to provide evidence of the name change (showing both old and new name) and/or evidence of the new address.
- We will not issue a pass to a postal-only or business address. If someone has no fixed address then we will need evidence they reside in Warwickshire and the pass must be collected from a Warwickshire County Council library.
- Passes will only be posted to the registered residential Warwickshire address (or to a selected library for collection by the passholder) and will not be delivered to family, friends or out of county addresses. Exceptions may be made where a third party has power of attorney or similar.
- Passes can be renewed from one month before they expire.
- If a pass expired more than 12 months ago then it is deemed to have lapsed and new evidence will be required.
- There will be a £10 charge for
- replacing a lost or damaged pass,
- replacing a stolen pass where the customer has not reported it to the police and obtained a crime/incident reference number, or
- replacing a pass where someone has changed name and wishes to have a new pass in that name at any time other than renewal, or
- replacing a pass where someone wants a new photo but their appearance has not substantially changed
- replacing a pass which has been used fraudulently and confiscated by a bus operator
- We will issue a maximum of three normal replacement passes in one year. Further replacements will be issued at the discretion of the Concessionary Travel Manager depending on individual circumstances.
- Once a pass has been cancelled because, for example, it has been lost, stolen or damaged, it is not possible to ‘un-cancel’ it and so the replacement charge is non-refundable, even if the passholder later finds their lost pass.
- When someone’s pass is due to expire it will be their responsibility to renew it, although we may choose to send out reminders.
- Five years is the longest we can legally issue a pass
Preventing fraudulent use
- All passes reported lost, stolen, damaged, not received or not swiping will be hotlisted. This means they will be blocked on the electronic ticket machines and cannot be used.
- A pass which has been confiscated by a bus driver or inspector will be withdrawn until such time as the Concessionary Travel Manager authorises a new pass to be issued.
- Where a pass is found to be used by someone other than the passholder and has not been reported lost or stolen then;
- The pass will be withdrawn and hotlisted
- We will write to the passholder to ask them why, and to ask them to confirm that they will not allow anyone else to use their pass
- We may also for up to date evidence of a qualifying disability (if applicable) and/or current address.
- Once they have provided this information then they may order a new pass at a charge of £10 (treated as a lost pass)