Health and emotional wellbeing

Understanding your brain is a short online guide for teenagers. Your brain changes as you hit adolescence. This guide can help you to find out what's happening in your brain and explain some of the changes. To access for free, use the link and enter the 'access code' BEAR.

Understanding your feelings is a short online guide for teenagers. Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed or confused? Would you like to know more about your feelings and thoughts? This course will help you understand your feelings. It also explores the emotional effects of the COVID pandemic. To access this course for free, use the link and enter the ‘access code’ BEAR.

Understanding your relationships is an online guide for anyone who is in a relationship and wants to learn more about relationships and how they work. To access for free, use the link and enter the ‘access code’ BEAR.

Warwickshire Connect for Health is the school nursing service for children and young people aged between 5 and 19 years old (up to age 25 for people with special educational needs) and their parents or carers. Young people can find specific help for their needs through the following links:

Five Ways to Wellbeing can help you improve your mental health and wellbeing, and your overall feeling of happiness. Five Ways to Wellbeing provides simple, effective ideas to help you choose how to increase your personal wellbeing.

Reading for wellbeing self-help books for children and young people is a collection of books on a range of topics to help you understand how you feel, cope with the pressures of life and boost your confidence.

Health Uncovered is a series of podcasts hosted by BBC Radio One presenter Cel Spellman to help young people get in tune with their health and wellbeing. Young people across the country have been talking about the issues they are facing today. From online bullying to sexual health, they've been asking the questions you want answered and are joined by health professionals that help provide solutions, support and understanding. The podcasts are free: just search 'Health Uncovered' in your apps or just choose the topic from the website link.

Health for Teens provide information and advice covering feelings, growing up, health, lifestyle, relationships and sexual health.

The Mix is one of the leading support services for young people and contains lots of useful information and advice on sexual health and relationships, your body, mental health, drink and drugs, housing, money, work and study, crime and safety, travel and lifestyle. There is a group chat and discussion boards plus useful apps and tools to reduce stress, learn about relationships, realise your skills, moving out, getting motivated and finding local help.

Childline Family Relationships has a whole range of information, advice and support to help you with your family relationships, including family conflict, separation, problems with alcohol or mental health, running away, abuse and safety, young parents and female circumcision.

Voices in the Middle is for young people when parents split up. Read stories and advice from other people going through divorce or separation.

Rise Above is where you will find interesting and useful stuff from the web and beyond about things that matter. You can find information, useful stories, videos, games, and advice on all sorts of things, such as friends, love-life, body talk, your mind and self-care.

Family Nurse Partnership offer a voluntary programme to mothers who are 19 years old or under and under 28 weeks pregnant. The specially-trained nurses provide regular home visits, from early pregnancy and can work with you up until your child is aged two. The Family Nurse Partnership uses methods on attachment, relationships and becoming independent. Together you will decide what to cover in each visit to help you achieve your goals and become the best parent you can be.

View the Mental Health Services for Young People webpages for information on a range of services and organisations that aim to support your mental health.

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