Help and support for specific health concerns
HealthTalk is an A-Z guide of health-related topics put together using young peoples experiences. The guide provides information on specific health conditions, getting help from medical professionals, support, advice, and young peoples stories
Warwickshire Connect for Health is the school nursing service for children and young people aged between 5 and 19 years old (up to age 25 for people with special educational needs) and their parents or carers. Young people can find specific help for their needs through the following links:
Compass Drug and Alcohol Service provides a free, confidential substance misuse service for children and young people between the ages of 5 and 25 in Warwickshire.
Smoke Free allows you to search for your local stop smoking service, including stop smoking in pregnancy services. It also provides information and advice on topics including quitting and vaping.
Drinkaware can help you make better choices around drinking.
Talk to Frank gives honest information about drugs.
Beat provide resources, a helpline and webchat for people who are suffering with an eating disorder and for those who want to support someone with an eating disorder.
NHS Eating disorders gives factual information on types of eating disorder, signs to look out for and getting help.
New Maudsley Eating Disorder Workshops are for parents and carers supporting someone with an eating disorder. These skills workshops are based on the New Maudsley Approach. They are provided free of charge and broken down into five two-hour workshops.
Young Minds eating problems talks you through the symptoms of an eating problem, getting help for an eating problem, real stories about recovering from eating problems and supporting someone with an eating problem.
Young Minds also have a guide to self-harm prevention for young people.