Relationships and sexual health
Is this OK? is a free, confidential and anonymous digital service for young people aged between 13-18 at risk of, or currently experiencing sexual or criminal exploitation and/or abuse. Young people can talk to a chatbot who will guide them to local information and support or connect them to a trained professional.
The Sexual Health Hub provides free, confidential services for all ages online and in person. View their website to view information about sexual health, find out where sexual health clinics are in Coventry and Warwickshire, order a free STI test and free morning after pill.
Disrespect Nobody is a site for young people about relationships and what is disrespectful and unacceptable behaviour. Read up on different types of abuse and find information on who can help.
Brook provide free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing help and advice.
FACE is a group of young people, male and female, who are aware of the dangers of grooming and sexual exploitation who have created the Face Up To It website to help other young people who are vulnerable or taking risks. The website aims to let young people know about the dangers and give information about how to keep safe. You can check whether your relationship is healthy and safe, find out about consent, taking selfies and sexting and more.
Barnardos Beacon Service offer safe, confidential support to under 19-year-olds who are struggling with the effects of sexual abuse.