See, Hear, Act - What makes a good quality provider?

Customer experience, safety and effectiveness, with the addition of viability, have been established as key factors of our quality assurance approach.

Achieving and improving quality means making sure that these components are addressed and encouraging continuous improvement. It includes taking steps to restore good standards where things go wrong. It reflects that high quality is only achieved where all four components are present at the same time, balancing the potentially conflicting demands of choice and control with the availability of services and the ability of a provider to remain viable.

All customers should be able to report that when they receive care, they:

  • feel in control and safe
  • have the information they need when I need it
  • have access to a range of support that helps me live my life
  • can decide the kind of support they need
  • are in control of their support, in their own way
  • have considerate support delivered by competent staff, who treat them with dignity, care and compassion.
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