Proposed A47 Long Shoot cycle route scheme


We are developing a new cycle route on the A47 Long Shoot to help people cycle safely for everyday journeys in and around Nuneaton. 

The proposed scheme is part of our programme of new cycle route development to enable more people to cycle for short local journeys, helping to tackle congestion, improve air quality, reduce carbon emissions and support physical activity.

The scheme will provide a two-way cycle route, separated from traffic, on the Long Shoot between the A5 junction and the Eastboro Way junction.

It is anticipated the scheme will be built during 2021/22, with an extension to the town centre planned for a later date. The new route will help people cycle to the town centre, employment sites, schools/colleges and to Hinckley.

The scheme will be funded by the Government’s Active Travel Fund and developer contributions.

Scheme description

The proposed scheme will largely be a 3-metre wide cycle track on the northern side of the Long Shoot, segregated from both motor vehicles and pedestrians.

This will be achieved mainly by reallocating space from the carriageway, which is very wide. It will involve the removal of some of the existing central hatching, which may also encourage lower driving speeds and make it easier for pedestrians to cross. Small areas of the grass verge in combination with the carriageway space will be needed to provide the cycle track on some sections. To support the scheme, it is proposed to reduce the speed limit on the Long Shoot to 30mph, which will further improve safety for all road users.

It is also proposed to remove the right turn lane at Sunburst Drive to provide space for the cycle route. The planned introduction of traffic signals at the junction with the new residential access road approximately 250 metres to the west will provide gaps in the traffic flow on the Long Shoot for vehicles entering or exiting Sunburst Drive.

There will be sections of shared-use footway/cycleway where the scheme crosses side roads on the Long Shoot. This is because it is not feasible to provide separate crossing points for cyclists and pedestrians over these side roads.

It is proposed to give cyclists priority over motor vehicles when crossing Sunburst Drive and Sunningdale Avenue, subject to detailed design work. This will be achieved by providing a raised crossing point, set back from the junction to provide space for a vehicle which has turned off the main road to wait if a cyclist is crossing.

It may be necessary to remove two trees on the Long Shoot for the scheme. Should this be the case, we will replace these elsewhere on the road and look for opportunities to provide additional trees on the Long Shoot as part of the scheme.

Further details of the scheme can be found on the plans below.

Proposed A47 Long Shoot cycle route scheme plan (PDF, 722 KB)

The closing date for submissions was 18 March 2021. We will review all your comments and consider any appropriate changes as part of the detailed design process. Project updates will be made available on this web page.

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