Kenilworth Active Travel projects, A429 Coventry Road Crackley


We are developing new connections to the existing cycle route on the A429 Coventry Road in Crackley, Kenilworth to help people cycle safely for everyday journeys in and around the local area. 

The proposed scheme is part of our programme of new cycle routes to enable more people to cycle for short local journeys, helping to tackle congestion, improve air quality, reduce carbon emissions, and support physical activity.

It is anticipated the scheme will be built in 2025. The new route will help improve connections between Kenilworth and Coventry, as well as links to the Kenilworth Greenway and University of Warwick.

Scheme description

There is currently a missing link between the existing cycle route on the A429 Coventry Road and the Kenilworth Greenway (National Cycle Network Route 52).   

The proposed scheme will largely involve the widening of existing footways into shared footways/ cycle tracks along A429 Coventry Road between Common Lane and Canley Brook (linking into new facilities being provided by HS2). There will be some cutting back of vegetation at the rear of the public highway to maximise the width of the path.

New crossing refuges are also proposed as part of the scheme, and a priority crossing/ road hump on Woodland Road.

Scheme plans and notices - coming soon. 

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More information coming soon, including consultation on proposed shared use sections and road hump.

Other projects

The Kenilworth Active Travel connections are part of a wider programme to improve and extend the networks of walking, wheeling and cycling routes in and around Warwickshire’s towns. The aim is to create a safe and attractive environment for walking, wheeling and cycling, so that they become the natural choices for shorter journeys and outdoor recreation in Warwickshire. Detailed proposals and scheme priorities are set out in the Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

Making it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle for short local journeys will also help to tackle congestion, improve air quality, reduce carbon emissions, and support an increase in physical activity.

For more information about Kenilworth Active Travel connections and other walking, wheeling and cycling projects, please contact

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