Vittle Drive cycling scheme, Warwick


We are developing a new cycle route on Vittle Drive and Ansell Way in Warwick. This will provide a safe cycle route between Saltisford Common and St Mary’s Land, which is currently a missing link in our cycle network in this area.

The proposed scheme is part of our programme of new cycle route developments to make it easier for people to cycle for short local journeys, helping to tackle congestion, improve air quality, reduce carbon emissions, and support an increase in physical activity.

This scheme is part of a package of new cycling schemes being developed with funding from the County Council and the Getting Building Fund through the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

Scheme description

The proposed scheme will construct a new footway/cycleway adjacent to Vittle Drive, extending the existing infrastructure between Woodloes and Aylesford school, incorporating an upgrade to the signal-controlled crossing of Saltisford.

The route itself will involve:

  • Widening of the footway on the western side of Vittle Drive and Ansell Way, reallocating road space to achieve the required 3 metre width.
  • Conversion of footway to shared footway/cycleway so that pedestrians and cyclists can use the route.
  • Upgrade of the existing puffin crossing on Saltisford, to a toucan crossing.

You can view further details of the scheme on the plan below.

Vittle Drive (Warwick) cycling scheme plan (1 of 1) (PDF, 435 KB)

Scheme documents

Have your say

If you would like to comment on the proposed scheme or have any questions, please email by 18 October 2021. Should you wish to speak to us about the scheme, please phone 01926 412529 number to leave your contact details and we will arrange for someone to call you back.

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